Lectia numarul 1 - Articolul
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Lectia numarul 1 - Articolul
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Exemplu: the army, the crowd, the government, the police, the parliament
- Inaintea unor nume proprii (nume de familie, muzee, teatre, ziare, hoteluri, etc):
Exemplu: the Browns, the Johns, the National Theatre, the Marriott Grand Hotel, the New York Times, the Beatles
- Inaintea substantivelor care indica nume de locuri geografice, munti, fluvii, oceane, mari etc:
Exemplu: the Alps, the Atlantic, the Thames, the Danube, the Red Sea, the Sahara
Articolul nehotarat A / AN
Utilizam articolul nehotarat A:
[b]Inaintea substantivelor care incep cu o consoana:
Exemple: a girl, a boy, a teacher, a family, a classroom
Utilizam articolul nehotarat AN:
Inaintea substantivelor care incep cu o vocala (a, e, i, o, u):
Exemple: an elephant, an apple, an interview, an onion, an action
Articolul nehotarat - exceptii:
Folosim articolul nehotarat AN inaintea unui substantiv care incepe cu
litera "h", doar atunci cand este vorba despre un "h mut".
Exemple: an hour, an honour
Folosim articolul nehotarat A inaintea unui substantiv care incepe cu
litera "u" sau grupul de litere "eu", doar atunci cand acestea se
pronunta ca "you"
Exemple: a European, a university, a unit
Cand folosim articolul nehotarat A/AN?
- Inaintea unui substantiv concret nedeterminat si numarabil:
Exemple: A boy entered into the classroom.
The reporter took an interview.
- Inaintea unui substantiv concret cu functia de nume predicativ:
Exemplu: She is a teacher.
Ronnie is an elephant.
Articolul zero
Nu folosim articol in urmatoarele situatii:
- Inaintea substantivelor care indica nume proprii la singular:
Exemplu: Paul is going to the school.
- Inaintea substantivelor care indica nume de tari, orase si limba acestora:
Exemple: France is a European country.
You speak English fluently.
Bucharest is the capital of Romania.
- In unele expresii invariabile:
Exemplu: by car, at school, in church, by train
- Inaintea substantivelor abstracte, care indica nume de culori, stiinte, arte, materii etc:
Exemplu: beauty, health, dinner, lunch, breakfast, truth, green, gold, silver, mathematics, physics
Ultima editare efectuata de catre TheIonut in Vin Aug 21, 2009 1:27 am, editata de 2 ori
Re: Lectia numarul 1 - Articolul
1. Completati cu a / an / the acolo unde este cazul:
___ woman
___ unit
___ United States of America
___ Johnsons
___ elephant
___ beauty
___ hour
___ Thames
2. Completati propozitiile din textul de mai jos cu a/an:
a) ___ old woman laughed at him.
b) ___ cat and ___ dog were in the kitchen.
c) I saw ___ elephant at the zoo.
d) It was ___ excellent movie.
e) She watched ___ TV show
3. Completati cu a / an / the acolo unde este cazul:
Daniel is ___ teacher. He likes ___ Physics very much. He teaches at
___ Theoretical Highschool from ___ Bucharest. ___pupils like him very
much. One day, he decided to take ___ children to see ___ laboratory
from another highschool. There, they made ___ experiment. All ___
children considered ___ experiment ___ most interesting they have ever
Nu are nici un rost sa va uitati la raspunsuri si dupa sa puneti rezultatul, mai intai puneti rezultatul, iar dupa uitativa la raspunsuri sa vedeti daca ati facut bine sau nu.
Raspunsuri exercitii
1. Completati cu a / an / the acolo unde este cazul:
___ woman
___ unit
___ United States of America
___ Johnsons
___ elephant
___ beauty
___ hour
___ Thames
2. Completati propozitiile din textul de mai jos cu a/an:
a) ___ old woman laughed at him.
b) ___ cat and ___ dog were in the kitchen.
c) I saw ___ elephant at the zoo.
d) It was ___ excellent movie.
e) She watched ___ TV show
3. Completati cu a / an / the acolo unde este cazul:
Daniel is ___ teacher. He likes ___ Physics very much. He teaches at
___ Theoretical Highschool from ___ Bucharest. ___pupils like him very
much. One day, he decided to take ___ children to see ___ laboratory
from another highschool. There, they made ___ experiment. All ___
children considered ___ experiment ___ most interesting they have ever
Nu are nici un rost sa va uitati la raspunsuri si dupa sa puneti rezultatul, mai intai puneti rezultatul, iar dupa uitativa la raspunsuri sa vedeti daca ati facut bine sau nu.
Raspunsuri exercitii
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